일상 폰 사진

**Maintaining Optimal Memory**

은초록별 2024. 8. 15. 11:53

**Maintaining Optimal Memory**

**Memory Decline by Age:**
1. **Short-term Memory:** Begins to decline from age 24.
2. **Instant Judgment:** Declines starting from age 29.
3. **Word Recall:** Begins to diminish from age 35.
4. **Language Comprehension and Expression:** Starts to decrease from age 54.

**Impact of Abdominal Obesity in Middle Age:**
- Increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

**Caloric Content:**
- **Protein:** 1 gram = 4 kcal
- **Fat:** 1 gram = 9 kcal
- The brain tends to store fat due to its high energy density.

**Signs of Brain Aging:**
1. Forgetting words frequently.
2. Difficulty recalling names of familiar people.
3. Getting lost more easily.
4. Struggling with mental arithmetic.

**Tips to Maintain Memory:**
1. **Word Recall Practice:** Write down forgotten words and read them aloud 10 times before bed.
2. **Reflective Journaling:** Write a daily diary with emotional reflections on your day.
3. **Exercise with Sequence Memory:** Engage in physical activities that require memorizing sequences.
4. **Diet Check:** Regularly review and adjust eating habits for brain health.
5. **Learning New Vocabulary:** Memorize five unfamiliar words daily.

**Connection Between Appearance and Brain Health:**
- Facial youthfulness is often linked to brain vitality.

- Professor Hee-Jin Kim, Department of Neurology, Hanyang University.

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