일상 폰 사진

To prevent Dementia.

은초록별 2024. 8. 13. 00:02

To prevent dementia,
it is important to engage in healthy mental activities, enjoy taking on new challenges,
and stay physically active starting from middle age, before it’s too late.
By diligently participating in activities like exercise, sleep, and reading, etc. . .
I should set specific plans and put them into practice to live as a
Super Ager.

I find it relatable and impressive that if one develops dementia, they tend to revert to the past.
Therefore, living kindly in the present is important, as it means that in the future, when dementia might occur, you will revert to this current kind and good-natured version of yourself, manifesting as a "kind dementia" state.

Plus, sleeping on your right side helps!

이대부속병원 김건하교수

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