일상 폰 사진

happier moment with my son.

은초록별 2024. 8. 12. 05:46

I had nurungji baeksuk at Jangsuchon next to Chungung Reservoir.
It was all the more enjoyable because I was with my always-handsome younger son.
This child has the ability to listen calmly and attentively when someone speaks, absorbing everything and responding appropriately, making me want to keep talking.
Because of this, although it’s not often, I tend to talk more than usual when I'm with this son.
The same goes for my younger daughter-in-law. That’s why, even if the four of us travel together for more than ten days, it's no problem.
I'm looking forward to next April.
The time spent traveling together with this son and his wife, and meeting my other son's family from America, will probably be one of the most enjoyable moments of my remaining life.

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