일상 폰 사진

Misari Tree Orphanage. 2023.11.2.

은초록별 2023. 11. 5. 00:20

I took a walk in the Misari Tree Orphanage.
As expected, yellow ginkgo leaves boost the autumn mood.
Even though the smell of ginkgo fruits rolling on the ground is terrible, the world is beautiful.
There are quite a few people walking barefoot these days.
They may think It's good for all health..but nothing has been proven for sure..
When I walked by the river, I noticed something, so I thought it was a floating duck family, but when I took a picture of them and zoomed in, a turtle was drying itself in the sun on a rock that barely stuck its head out on the river.
Everything seems to be lonely when it's alone, and it is still like that when I think of the turtle.

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