일상 폰 사진

New Current Chapter!

은초록별 2024. 8. 6. 11:14

파울 클레

황금 물고기

The title of the new chapter in my current life is 'AI'.

I believe the theme and mainstream of the forthcoming new world will be AI.
To live as modern humans, we'd rather accept, understand, and know how to utilize AI.
Because AI will bring revolutionary changes in our life.
For a while, humanity will likely be divided into several categories based on their proximity to AI.
The categories of AI usage will depend on:
- Understanding about AI.
- The language based on English and skills to use it,
- The financial means to utilize it.

I believe that some individuals will evolve along with the use and speed of AI adoption.
There will be significant differences in quality of life and culture between those who understand and utilize AI and those who do not.

Because AI has the ability to do difficult and daunting tasks easily, quickly, accurately and in large quantities.

However, maybe those who have no interest in AI will continue to live satisfied with their outdated lives, not even recognizing the difference in quality of life.

So in some sense it's okay but I'm not.
It depends on our choice.
It's similar to how numerous regions on Earth with varying levels of development, currently live without even realizing their environmental differences.

Furthermore,maybe it could happen that in the future some evolved human race cooperates with AI to escape the ruined Earth and continue life on other planets.

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