일상 폰 사진


은초록별 2024. 6. 24. 15:00

I'm not someone who can say I've actively shown great kindness to others outside my family, so there aren't many things I can proudly share publicly. However, I've thought of one incident for my presentation.

It happened decades ago. I received a call from a friend I hadn't heard from in a while. Although I answered with excitement, the news she shared was shocking. In the meantime, her husband had passed away in a car accident. Her second daughter had never even seen her father's face.

As a means of survival, she had started selling insurance, a job completely unsuited for her. Regardless, without asking any questions, I signed up for an insurance policy with a fairly substantial premium. In reality, neither I nor my family were in a position to take out insurance at that time.

Nonetheless, I kept the policy without canceling it midway and carried it through to maturity, which ended up being beneficial for our family as well. It seems that, for the insurance company, such policies are only profitable if the policyholders cancel midway.

Anyway, I signed up for the policy on the spot for my friend and, having set up automatic payments for decades, I forgot about it, but it eventually bore good fruit for me. Much later, that friend expressed her happiness, thinking I had canceled the policy midway, but was pleased to learn that I had carried it to maturity.

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