일상 폰 사진

Adventurous or Spontaneous thing! 2024.6.11.

은초록별 2024. 6. 11. 10:31

Since we have often met and shared our stories for a very long time without hiding anything, there are hardly any interesting incidents left that I haven't revealed. If something new and adventurous happens in the future, I will tell you about it immediately. Among those currently attending the class, more than half must have already heard my stories, so I'm sure you'll get bored. Just as it's torture for me to hear the same story over and over again, it must be the same for others when they listen to my stories repeatedly.

In particular, the inability to endure that boredom has been getting worse for me these days. After analyzing why, I concluded that it's because I've become so accustomed to finding and listening to experts in fields I'm interested in and curious about through YouTube and other platforms whenever I want.

In any case, being immersed in any field to the point of addiction is another side effect. I've realized this lesson now.

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