일상 폰 사진


은초록별 2024. 6. 5. 11:19

I am interested in the creation and origin of the universe.
So I want to hear, see, and know many things about it.
Because I think it tells me the truth about the creation and destruction of the human race to which I belong.
In that sense, I am interested in Carl Sagan, a physicist and astronomer.
I bought a book 'Cosmos', which is related to  his theory, and started reading it.
Bot I couldn't make much progress in Chapter 1 being lazy.
In particular, he compressed the universe's age of 13.8 billion years into one year and explained other historical phenomena, making it much more understandable and immersive.
For example, if we compress the age of the universe by one year, the galaxy was formed in May, the sun was formed in August, and the Earth was formed in September.
The era of dinosaurs is on the December 25th,
and modern humans, Homo sapiens, were born at 11:52 PM on the last day.
It is said that the cultural development of mankind is the story of the last one minute of the year.
Buddha, Jesus, and Mohammed, the leaders of the spirit of mankind,were born every 1-second intervals at 59 minutes, 55 seconds, 56 seconds, and 57 seconds on December 31.
The picture of Earth taken by Voyager 1 from 6.4 billion kilometers away is nothing more than a dot.
It makes me think about humanity, which formed and evolved from space dust and eventually returns to space dust in the end.

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