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New Year's Resolution! 2024.4.24.

은초록별 2024. 4. 25. 08:14

When I talked about my New Year's resolution, I couldn't remember what it was because I never repeated it even once.
So I searched my blog to find out what I had decided to do this year.
Fortunately, it wasn't something very special, so I made it as a habit even without consciously thinking about it.
I don't think I've failed too much because I've lived in the same direction as my resolution, but that doesn't mean it's complete, so I'm taking this opportunity to reorganize my resolution and resolve once again to increase my execution rate.

I tend to forget things,
so I took this opportunity to put my New Year's resolution in my profile background photo.
I plan to enlarge it and read it from time to time throughout this year.

1.live quiet and gentle.
2.live hard and thoroughly,
don't waste time.
3.don't be a couchpotato
don't delay doing exercise.
4.listen to ebs program more carefully.
5.pay more attention to our diet.
6.take more care of and empathize with my husband.
7.give something to your neighbors in need with kind heart.
8.don't lose my humor.
9.provide loughter to others as well as me.
10.don't be arrogant.
11.live a life without neglecting self-improvement and wisdom.
12.i'd like to be a delight person when others have time with me.
13.live as a good influencer.