일상 폰 사진

Vicarious satisfaction! 2024.1.24.

은초록별 2024. 1. 25. 01:15

These days, I'm enjoying making profile pictures through AI.
If you provide eight pictures of yourself, how can you not be happy to print out another new picture of yourself from a different background every day?
I'm updating my profile picture with a new lady picture every day.Even though it's actually based on my own pictures, but reincarnates me into a 100times more beautiful young and fresh woman.
My friends who happened to see those pictures also ask me what it's all about.
Then I laugh out loud and explain  every process in detail.
There are some friends who are having fun along with me.
we may think It's useless, but life is almost in vain after all. ^^

However how can I enjoy such meaningless things day after day even at this age?
I really wonder about it!

You know the answer!
I have nothing to do..and
it may be  a kind of vicarious satisfaction?^^
Anyway, I go to bed every night at 12 o'clock after having a nice fresh free moment that AI gives me.

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