일상 폰 사진

You Tube. 2023.12.18.

은초록별 2023. 12. 18. 14:32

I've been watching YouTube a lot lately.
It's an ideal spending time for people like me who are curious and interested in what they happen to meet. Even if human civilization or science has developed so much, the world is full of new questions, and theories that were believed to be true get overturned by new theories overnight. Ordinary people try to understand and follow a little bit of the footsteps of geniuses and end up with losing their track of time. Especially I'm interested in advanced science, medicine, space, creation of world, faith, animals, especially monkeys, the afterlife, death, and light,and etc.
Watching them ,a day goes by in an instant because I don't know how to stop when I go in. You have to examine the people who post the video in advance if they are posting the acurate facts and choose it.
YouTube is the ocean where humans like me full of curiosity swim to their heart's content!
It's more fun than Netflix!
If I'm an entrance exam candidate who needs to study for college or employment, I'm probably going to fail due to YouTube,just like I once fell into martial arts novels in high school..

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