
2023.10.24.To Amy.

은초록별 2023. 10. 24. 23:14

Today, I went to Rework hospital in which Seohyun has been being hospitallzed,with two other friends.
We ate steamed monkfish together, drank tea, and chatted before returning.
And then I always think of Amy.
She must be so depressed and lonely and she wants to see her friends but at the same time not see them for a while..
We're all waiting because we've guessed it..Until you call me..
Fortunately, you're communicating with Wanda...the only window toward the the society you've enjoyed.
Please call us quickly as soon as the treatment starts and the symptoms get easy..
Then we are going to run to you..

My another friend finished 13 out of 25 radiation treatments.
She walks more than 10,000 steps every day on the roof of the hospital.
After she lost her leg muscles, her walking wasn't natural but  she is  almost normal now.
If I looked around,  
I've seen a lot of strong people who eventually overcame their desease by making  their efforts most, thoroughly, and diligently to get back their health.

I wrote everything because I was more desperate to think of Amy after meeting my friend..
Anyway I believe you can guess all my  heart.

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