일상 폰 사진

Meaning of Improving! 2023.8.21.

은초록별 2023. 8. 21. 12:54

I read a very empathetic article on the paper this morning and then put it on my family katalk room.
I usually don't nag about childcare or education.
But I expressed my opinion this time because I thought it is irresponsible as a family member to be too uninterested because there were fundamental concerns.
It is up to them to judge and respond after reading my comments.
When Jun was getting training from Samsung,
He complained about why I didn't encourage him to enjoy playing puzzles more.

I deeply empathized with the article above, so I posted it for their reference..

As I get older
people who didn't have their opportunity to learn, whether they were willing to or not,
regardless of economic wealth,
they lack the ability to feel, enjoy, and expand their life.
I sometimes look at people who are financially rich but not wise enough to match their quality of life as high as their financial richness.
Beyond whether they can  enter a good school or not, it's preferable to continue to develope learning with joy so they can extend the overall boundry of their life.

I hope they understand that Jeon Young-min's article above is very similar to what I think, so my words got longer after a long time. ^^