일상 폰 사진

Artheon .2023.4.23.

은초록별 2023. 4. 23. 20:58

I took pictures of small waterfalls in my apartment complex with a new ND filter for my phone camera.
As expected, the landscaping of our apartment complex is the best.
The filter was also acceptable.
Although it's a problem because the cellfie stick is thin and weak against shaking.
The whole place is full of azaleas!

전에는 앵초를 산행하다가 야생화로 반갑게 만났는데,요즘은 아파트 주변에서도 드물지않게 만나 얘들이 그 앵초인지 확인해봐야했다.암튼 반갑다 앵초야!^♡^

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