
노을길 편백찜.2022.11.17.

은초록별 2022. 11. 17. 23:08

I had a meeting with two good friends at the restaurant ,노을길.
Its major dish is 편백찜.
I've tried it at my son's place once thanks to my little daughter-in-law.
It was so delicious that I've been looking forward to having it again.
노을길 didn't make me disappointed.
And interior design of the restaurant was really something.
Not only main dish but also side dishes were good as well.
Three family members were running that with all their heart.
My friend's son-in-law got a job as a professor of a high level public university.
So she treated us there.
We were so happy to hear that news.
It's such a great news!
I always think that she's born with a very good fortune.
Anyway having such a lucky friend is a good thing to everyone too.

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