일상 폰 사진

Oh Happy day!

은초록별 2022. 10. 30. 08:56

요기는 큰아들 집

My little son's couple invited us to treat dinner.
I got so much impressed to see that dish she prepared.
She is a good cook and even looks professional.!
And her warm heart is greater.
We really thanked them
and felt how lucky we were again!
The name of the dish is '쇠고기편백찜'.
It was more delicious than any other restaurant's food so We had it too much.
We could have any happy moment no more.

아이들 보금자리

모처럼 구석구석 담아본 귀요미들...
아이들의 아기자기한 성향이 고스란히...♡

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