
Achasan trekking.2022. 8.4.

은초록별 2022. 8. 5. 22:57

I had a trekking at Achasan.
The sun light was so hot ,on the otherhand the wind was someting cool.
Maybe because 입추 comes this Sunday.
Recently after Iceland trip I lost some weight but during this trekking ,when I felt out of breath some strange bad feeling that I couldn't describe accurately slowly arose inside my body.
So it was harder to go up the mountain than before.
However thanks to the other members' consideration I was able to finish my short trekking.
경숙씨 is such a good lady with very sincere and warm heart.
So I like her as time goes by.
As she always keeps tall and fit body shape I look much smaller and chubbier next to her even though I lost some weight.^^

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