
Colorful Spring day! 2022.5.2.

은초록별 2022. 5. 2. 18:00

Around 중랑천 there are wide places to take in.
Especially the falling down
flower waterfalls are so attractive and beautiful!
Walking along the 중랑천 you can meet 불암산 in a short distance.
At the foot of 불암산 there is a wide 철쭉정원 named as 나비정원.
Today, even though it's something seasonally late to appreciate the Royal Azaleas it's still good to walk around with my friend who lives near there.
I felt euphoric and had an enchanting time thanks to spring flowers.
These days. . .there are numberless well-kept gardens every noock and cranny in our country.
I feel proud of that and thank to many and unspecified persons who are working for that.

'산,트래킹' 카테고리의 다른 글

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