테마 여행

Trip of fall 7.Trekking along the Haiparang gil.2020.10.21.

은초록별 2020. 10. 21. 22:24

Today we had a trekking along the 해파랑길21B.
It's about 15km.
It took almost 5 hours.
The course was pretty rough for our age and level but so beautiful.
Especially 해국, kind of asters are in full bloom here and there.
It added the beauty to the scenery of seaside.
We rarely met other people.
My husband and I were almost the only couple who were walking through that course.
We had to be so careful not to fall down.
We helped each other all the time and felt as if we were on our 10 years older age.
And it seemed that I experienced our older conditions in advance.
The feeling was like we are all in this world.ㅎ